Nom scientifique Collecté par Identifié par Date de collecte Date identifiée Famille Organisme Numéro de catalogue État du type Type d'occurrence
collecté identifié Pinus bolanderi Parl. Roezl Roezl 1872 Pinaceae B B 18 0012421 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pinus hartwegii Lindl. Röezl B. T. Styles 1883 01.1992 Pinaceae B B 18 0012685 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Masdevallia polysticta Roezl Orchidaceae K K000077744 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Masdevallia aspera H. G. Reichenbach ex Kraenzlin Roezl 2010-09-16 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00082870 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Physurus ortgiesii H. G. Reichenbach Roezl 2011-02-17 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00083228 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis macroblepharis H. G. Reichenbach Roezl 2011-03-25 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00083382 type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis macroblepharis H. G. Reichenbach Roezl 1998 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074453 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Furcraea bedinghausii Roezl B. Ullrich 1857 Asparagaceae NO DISPONIBLE NO DISPONIBLE lectotipo MATERIAL_CITATION
collecté Pleurothallis roezlii H. G. Reichenbach Roezl Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074701 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis rhomboglossa H. G. Reichenbach Roezl 1884-11 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074689 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis macroblepharis H. G. Reichenbach Roezl 1998 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074451 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis roezlii H. G. Reichenbach Roezl Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074700 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis calceolaris H. G. Reichenbach Roezl Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074112 drawing of type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis rhomboglossa H. G. Reichenbach Roezl 1884-11 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074691 drawing of type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis cardiantha H. G. Reichenbach Roezl 1997 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074119 drawing of type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis rhomboglossa H. G. Reichenbach Roezl 1884-11 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074690 drawing of type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Bletia roezlii H. G. Reichenbach Roezl Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00000368 drawing of type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis canaligera H. G. Reichenbach Roezl 1997 Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074118 drawing of type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis macroblepharis H. G. Reichenbach Roezl Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074452 drawing of type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis macroblepharis H. G. Reichenbach Roezl Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074450 drawing of type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pleurothallis calceolaris H. G. Reichenbach Roezl Orchidaceae AMES barcode-00074113 drawing of type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Abies magnifica A.Murray Roezl Pinaceae B B 18 0011852 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pinus sabiniana Dougl. Roezl 1874 Pinaceae B B 18 0013768 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Abies concolor (Gordon & Glend.) Lindl. ex Hildebr. Roezl Pinaceae B B 18 0011777 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pinus montezumae Lamb. Roezl Pinaceae B B 18 0013433 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Mayr) Franco Benedikt (Benedict, Benito) Roezl Elbert Luther Little Jr Pinaceae NHMUK BM000938840 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Oncidium dilatatum (Rchb. f.) M. W. Chase & N. H. Williams Rözl,B s.n. [s.d.]|Rözl,B annot. L. Pignotti (W) 2013-11 Orchidaceae W 0049413 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Stelis restrepioides (Lindl.) Pridgeon & M. W. Chase Rözl,B s.n. [s.d.]|Rözl,B annot. J. Walter (W) 2017-09 Orchidaceae W 0075633 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Anthurium incurvum Engl. B. B. Roezl Araceae B 11951 type [status unknown] PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Mayr) Franco Benedikt (Benedict, Benito) Roezl Elbert Luther Little Jr Pinaceae NHMUK BM000938841 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN