Nom scientifique Collecté par Identifié par Date de collecte Date identifiée Famille Organisme Numéro de catalogue État du type Type d'occurrence
collecté Notogaster charlesi Fernandez-Triana and Ward John S Dugdale Jose Fernandez-Triana 1993-01-26 2019 Braconidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04035534 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Notogaster macdonaldae Fernandez-Triana and Ward John S Dugdale Jose Fernandez-Triana 1992-09-24 2019 Braconidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04049150 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Kiwi canterberus Khalaim and Ward, 2019 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1992-01-16 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04037363 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Kiwi canterberus Khalaim and Ward, 2019 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1992-01-16 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04037260 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Kiwi earlyi Khalaim and Ward, 2019 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1992-09-19 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04034122 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Zealochus abominosus Khalaim and Ward, 2019 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1993-01-26 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04036124 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Kiwi waitakerus Khalaim and Ward, 2019 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1993-01-26 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04034238 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Kiwi waitakerus Khalaim and Ward, 2019 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1993-01-26 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04035350 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Cryptophiale novaecaledoniae McKenzie & Kuthub. JS Dugdale Eric H.C. McKenzie 1990-12-15 Chaetosphaeriaceae PDD PDD 60585 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Chalarodes obconica McKenzie 1991 JS Dugdale Eric H.C. McKenzie 1990-12-15 PDD PDD 58421 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Dimeriaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex Arx & E. Müll. JS Dugdale | BJP Molloy 1993-11-04 Dimeriaceae PDD PDD 64664 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Pyricularia caricis sensu Matsush. JS Dugdale Eric H.C. McKenzie 1991-05-15 Pyriculariaceae PDD PDD 59130 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Piptoporus portentosus (Berk.) G. Cunn. JS Dugdale Peter K. Buchanan 1992-10-27 Laetiporaceae PDD PDD 62810 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Phellinus punctatus (P. Karst.) Pilát 1942 JS Dugdale Peter K. Buchanan 1991-10-29 Hymenochaetaceae PDD PDD 66994 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Zebrospora bicolor McKenzie 1991 JS Dugdale Eric H.C. McKenzie 1990-12-15 PDD PDD 58238 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Sporidesmium freycinetiae McKenzie JS Dugdale Eric H.C. McKenzie 1990-12-15 PDD PDD 58427 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Polytretophora calcarata Mercado 1983 JS Dugdale Eric H.C. McKenzie 1990-12-15 PDD PDD 64973 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Phaeocryptopus Naumov JS Dugdale Peter R. Johnston 1993-11-04 Dothioraceae PDD PDD 62698 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Polytretophora calcarata Mercado 1983 JS Dugdale Eric H.C. McKenzie 1990-12-15 PDD PDD 64974 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Polytretophora calcarata Mercado 1983 JS Dugdale Eric H.C. McKenzie 1990-12-15 PDD PDD 64971 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Chalarodes obconica McKenzie 1991 JS Dugdale Eric H.C. McKenzie 1990-12-15 PDD PDD 58422 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Gauldiana arantia Khalaim & Ward, 2018 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1992-10-27 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04037989 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Barycnellus globosus Khalaim & Ward, 2018 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1993-01-31 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04037284 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Gauldiana arantia Khalaim & Ward, 2018 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1992-10-27 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04036646 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Barycnellus globosus Khalaim & Ward, 2018 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1992-09-16 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04036573 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Barycnellus globosus Khalaim & Ward, 2018 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1992-09-16 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04036551 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Gauldiana arantia Khalaim & Ward, 2018 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1992-10-27 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04037296 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Gauldiana arantia Khalaim & Ward, 2018 John S Dugdale Khalaim 1992-12 Ichneumonidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04036946 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Tuicoris excelsus Eyles & Carvalho, 1995 John S Dugdale Eyles 1992-09-16 Miridae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04073535 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Duvaliomimus (Duvaliomimus) orientalis Giachino John S Dugdale | G Hall Pier M. Giachino 1994-01-12 2005 Carabidae New Zealand Arthropod Collection NZAC04067171 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN