Science Rendue Possible
Wang, C.-J., and J.-Z. Wan. 2021. Functional trait perspective on suitable habitat distribution of invasive plant species at a global scale. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 19: 475–486.
Plant invasion has been proved to threaten biodiversity conservation and ecosystem maintenance at a global scale. It is a challenge to project suitable habitat distributions of invasive plant species (IPS) for invasion risk assessment at large spatial scales. Interaction outcomes between native and …
Afonin, A. N., O. G. Baranova, and Y. A. Fedorova. 2020. Northern border of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. distribution in Canada in relation to the establishing of its environmental limits. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Biologiya: 28–51.
Проведен эколого-географический анализ встречаемости амброзии полыннолистной (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) на северном пределе ее распространения в Канаде. В качестве ведущего фактора, лимитирующего распространение вида на север, выступает недостаточная теплообеспеченность периода созревания семян. С…
Lake, T. A., R. D. Briscoe Runquist, and D. A. Moeller. 2020. Predicting range expansion of invasive species: Pitfalls and best practices for obtaining biologically realistic projections C. Bellard [ed.],. Diversity and Distributions 26: 1767–1779.
Aim: Species distribution models (SDMs) are widely used to forecast potential range expansion of invasive species. However, invasive species occurrence datasets often have spatial biases that may violate key SDM assumptions. In this study, we examined alternative methods of spatial bias correction a…
de Jesús Hernández-Hernández, M., J. A. Cruz, and C. Castañeda-Posadas. 2020. Paleoclimatic and vegetation reconstruction of the miocene southern Mexico using fossil flowers. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104: 102827.
Concern about the course of the current environmental problems has raised interest in investigating the different scenarios that have taken place in our planet throughout time. To that end, different methodologies have been employed in order to determine the different variables that compose the envi…
van Treuren, R., R. Hoekstra, R. Wehrens, and T. van Hintum. 2020. Effects of climate change on the distribution of crop wild relatives in the Netherlands in relation to conservation status and ecotope variation. Global Ecology and Conservation 23: e01054.
Crop wild relatives (CWR) are wild plant taxa that are genetically related to a cultivated species and are considered rich sources of useful traits for crop improvement. CWR are generally underrepresented in genebanks, while their survival in nature is not guaranteed. Inventories and risk analyses a…
Kovalchuk, I., M. Pellino, P. Rigault, R. van Velzen, J. Ebersbach, J. R. Ashnest, M. Mau, et al. 2020. The Genomics ofCannabisand Its Close Relatives. Annual Review of Plant Biology 71: 713–739.
Cannabis sativa L. is an important yet controversial plant with a long history of recreational, medicinal, industrial, and agricultural use, and together with its sister genus Humulus, it represents a group of plants with a myriad of academic, agricultural, pharmaceutical, industrial, and social int…
Léveillé-Bourret, É., B.-H. Chen, M.-È. Garon-Labrecque, B. A. Ford, and J. R. Starr. 2020. RAD sequencing resolves the phylogeny, taxonomy and biogeography of Trichophoreae despite a recent rapid radiation (Cyperaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 145: 106727.
Trichophoreae is a nearly cosmopolitan Cyperaceae tribe that contains ∼17 species displaying striking variation in size, inflorescence complexity, and perianth morphology. Although morphologically distinct, the status of its three genera (Cypringlea, Oreobolopsis and Trichophorum) are controversial …