Nom scientifique Collecté par Identifié par Date de collecte Date identifiée Famille Organisme Numéro de catalogue État du type Type d'occurrence
collecté Stereum lobatum (Kunze ex Fries) Fries: Fries A. H. Beers 1919-12-03 Stereaceae FH barcode-00607408 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Phellinus gilvus (Schweinitz) Patouillard A. H. Beers 1919-12-03 Hymenochaetaceae FH barcode-00605765 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Viburnum rufidulum Holland Beers, Alma Jones, Thomas H. 1919 1978-08-00 Viburnaceae NCU NCU00196149 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté identifié Aleurodiscus candidus var. sphaerosporus Holland Beers, Alma Holland Beers, Alma 1919-12-18 1919-12-18 NCU NCU-F-0000153 syntype of aleurodiscus candidus var. sphaerosporus coker n. var., p. 155 in william chambers coker. 1921. notes on the thelephoracaee of north carolina. journal of the elisha mitchell scientific society 36: 146-196 plus plates. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté identifié Aleurodiscus candidus var. sphaerosporus Holland Beers, Alma Holland Beers, Alma 1919-12-16 1919-12-16 NCU NCU-F-0000152 syntype of aleurodiscus candidus var. sphaerosporus coker n. var., p. 155 in william chambers coker. 1921. notes on the thelephoracaee of north carolina. journal of the elisha mitchell scientific society 36: 146-196 plus plates. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté identifié Collybia lilacina Holland Beers, Alma 1919-06-04 Marasmiaceae NCU NCU-F-0006426 residual syntype of collybia lilacina, p. 104 in william chambers coker and h. c. beardslee. 1921. the collybias of north carolina. journal of the elisha mitchell scientific society 37: 83-107. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Mycena sanguinolenta Holland Beers, Alma; Totten, H. R. 1920-06-23 Mycenaceae NCU NCU-F-0015570 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Clitocybe odora Totten, H. R.; Holland Beers, Alma 1920-10-03 Tricholomataceae NCU NCU-F-0006165 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Omphalia fibula Holland Beers, Alma 1919-08-22 Rickenellaceae NCU NCU-F-0015927 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN