Nom scientifique Collecté par Identifié par Date de collecte Date identifiée Famille Organisme Numéro de catalogue État du type Type d'occurrence
collecté Tachymenis tarmensis M. P. Anderson 1914 Colubridae FMNH 5698 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Budorcas bedfordi Thomas 1911 M P. Anderson Bovidae NHMUK 1911.6.1.64 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Capreolus bedfordi Thomas 1908 M P. Anderson 1907 Cervidae NHMUK 1908.8.7.99 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Dromicus inca Wilfred Hudson Osgood, Malcolm P Anderson 1912 Colubridae FMNH 5713 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Rhinolophus yunanensis Dobson, 1872 Anderson Rhinolophidae NHMUK NHMUK ZD 1909.4.4.3 syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Stenocercus empetrus Wilfred Hudson Osgood, Malcolm P Anderson 1912 Tropiduridae FMNH 5708 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Stenocercus empetrus Wilfred Hudson Osgood, Malcolm P Anderson 1912 Tropiduridae FMNH 5710 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Stenocercus empetrus Wilfred Hudson Osgood, Malcolm P Anderson 1912 Tropiduridae FMNH 5711 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Micrurus mertensi Wilfred Hudson Osgood, Malcolm P Anderson 1912 Elapidae FMNH 18300 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Oxyrhopus fitzingeri frizzelli M. P. Anderson 1914 Colubridae FMNH 5665 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Tamiasciurus hudsonicus columbiensis M. P. Anderson 1902-10-08 Sciuridae AMNH M-19891 holotype of tamiasciurus hudsonicus columbiensis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Synaptomys borealis dalli M. P. Anderson 1902-09-11 Cricetidae AMNH M-20467 holotype of synaptomys borealis dalli (merriam) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Mustela erminea richardsoni M. P. Anderson 1902-09-24 Mustelidae AMNH M-19964 holotype of mustela erminea richardsonii (bonaparte) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Erethizon dorsatum nigrescens M. P. Anderson 1902-08-23 Erethizontidae AMNH M-20772 holotype of erethizon dorsatum nigrescens (allen) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Poecile gambeli abbreviatus Collector(s): M. P. Anderson Museum of Vertebrate Zoology 1901-12-12 1999-01-27 Paridae MVZ MVZ:Bird:38709 holotype of <a href=" gambeli abbreviatus">penthestes gambeli abbreviatus</a> page 510 in <a href="">grinnell 1918</a> PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Miniopterus schreibersi japoniae Thomas, 1905 M P. Anderson 1905 Miniopteridae NHMUK 1906.1.4.22 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Miniopterus schreibersii chinensis Thomas, 1908 M P. Anderson 1907 Miniopteridae NHMUK 1908.8.7.15 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Myotis pequinius Thomas, 1908 M P. Anderson 1907 Vespertilionidae NHMUK 1908.8.7.2 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Myotis altarium Thomas, 1911 M P. Anderson 1910 Vespertilionidae NHMUK 1911.2.1.9 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Marmosops noctivagus noctivagus M. P. Anderson 1912 Didelphidae FMNH 19636 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Philander andersoni M. P. Anderson 1912 Didelphidae FMNH 19655 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Monodelphis brevicaudata M. P. Anderson 1913 Didelphidae FMNH 20524 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Proechimys poliopus M. P. Anderson 1913 Echimyidae FMNH 20525 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Phyllotis definitus M. P. Anderson 1914 Cricetidae FMNH 21125 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Heliopsis decumbens S. F. Blake W. H. Osgood & M. P. Anderson 1912 Asteraceae F V0043574F holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Sitta corea Ogilvie-Grant, 1906 Mr M P. Anderson 1905 Sittidae NHMUK 1907.12.17.290 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Sorex shinto Thomas 1905 Malcolm Playfair Anderson 1904 Soricidae NHMUK 1906.1.4.30 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Mogera wogura kanai Thomas 1906 Malcolm Playfair Anderson 1905 Talpidae NHMUK 1906.1.4.394 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Lepus brachyurus okiensis Thomas 1906 Malcolm Playfair Anderson 1905 Leporidae NHMUK 1906.1.4.389 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Crocidura dsinezumi chisai Thomas 1905 Malcolm Playfair Anderson 1904 Soricidae NHMUK 1906.1.4.43 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN