Science Rendue Possible
Mothes, C. C., J. T. Stroud, S. L. Clements, and C. A. Searcy. 2019. Evaluating ecological niche model accuracy in predicting biotic invasions using South Florida’s exotic lizard community. Journal of Biogeography 46: 432–441.
Aim: Predicting environmentally suitable areas for non‐native species is an important step in managing biotic invasions, and ecological niche models are commonly used to accomplish this task. Depending on these models to enact appropriate management plans assumes their accuracy, but most niche model…
Ureta, C., Á. P. Cuervo-Robayo, E. Calixto-Pérez, C. González-Salazar, E. Fuentes-Conde, et al. 2018. A first approach to evaluate the vulnerability of islands’ vertebrates to climate change in Mexico. Atmósfera 31: 251–254.
Mexican islands are one of the most diverse territories in the world and consequently their conservation should be a national and international priority. Three main threats to islands’ diversity have been detected: invasive species, land use change and climate change. Most studies have been focused …
Antonelli, A., A. Zizka, F. A. Carvalho, R. Scharn, C. D. Bacon, D. Silvestro, and F. L. Condamine. 2018. Amazonia is the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115: 6034–6039.
The American tropics (the Neotropics) are the most species-rich realm on Earth, and for centuries, scientists have attempted to understand the origins and evolution of their biodiversity. It is now clear that different regions and taxonomic groups have responded differently to geological and climati…
Guedes, T. B., R. J. Sawaya, A. Zizka, S. Laffan, S. Faurby, R. A. Pyron, R. S. Bérnils, et al. 2017. Patterns, biases and prospects in the distribution and diversity of Neotropical snakes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 14–21.
Motivation: We generated a novel database of Neotropical snakes (one of the world’s richest herpetofauna) combining the most comprehensive, manually compiled distribution dataset with publicly available data. We assess, for the first time, the diversity patterns for all Neotropical snakes as well as…
Forti, L. R., C. G. Becker, L. Tacioli, V. R. Pereira, A. C. F. A. Santos, I. Oliveira, C. F. B. Haddad, and L. F. Toledo. 2017. Perspectives on invasive amphibians in Brazil S. Lötters [ed.],. PLOS ONE 12: e0184703.
Introduced species have the potential to become invasive and jeopardize entire ecosystems. The success of species establishing viable populations outside their original extent depends primarily on favorable climatic conditions in the invasive ranges. Species distribution modeling (SDM) can thus be u…