Nom scientifique Collecté par Identifié par Date de collecte Date identifiée Famille Organisme Numéro de catalogue État du type Type d'occurrence
collecté Carex sinclairii Boott ex Cheeseman Thomas Cheeseman Cyperaceae NMNZ SP048172 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Carex spinirostris Colenso Thomas Cheeseman nom. rev. 1883-10 1970 Cyperaceae NMNZ SP003276 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman Thomas Cheeseman Cyperaceae NMNZ SP021703 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman Thomas Cheeseman 1882-01 Cyperaceae NMNZ SP021699/A PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Carex testacea Boott Thomas Cheeseman Cyperaceae NMNZ SP001981 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Coprosma crassifolia Colenso Thomas Cheeseman 1884-10 Rubiaceae NMNZ SP049331 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Coprosma crassifolia Colenso Thomas Cheeseman 1883-09 Rubiaceae NMNZ SP049342/B PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Coprosma grandifolia Hook.f. Thomas Cheeseman 1885-05 Rubiaceae NMNZ SP049430 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Coprosma petiolata Hook.f. Thomas Cheeseman Rubiaceae NMNZ SP056376 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Coprosma repens A.Rich. Thomas Cheeseman Khadya Aziz 1878-11 1979-03-20 Rubiaceae NMNZ SP051127 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Coprosma arborea Kirk Thomas Cheeseman Thomas Kirk FLS 1875-10 Rubiaceae NMNZ SP051576 lectotype of coprosma arborea kirk PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn. Thomas Cheeseman 1883-09 Rubiaceae NMNZ SP048798 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Galium trilobum Colenso Thomas Cheeseman 1884-01 Rubiaceae NMNZ SP054045/A PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Coprosma x kirkii Cheeseman Thomas Cheeseman Dr W. Reginald B. Oliver 1896-01 1935 Rubiaceae NMNZ SP049470 syntype of coprosma x kirkii cheeseman PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Lembophyllum divulsum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb. Thomas Cheeseman 1882-10 Lembophyllaceae NMNZ M010781 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Leptostomum inclinans R.Br. Thomas Cheeseman 1872-08 Leptostomataceae NMNZ M017775 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Philonotis tenuis (Taylor) Reichardt Thomas Cheeseman Bartramiaceae NMNZ M018749 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Sclerodontium pallidum (Hook.) Schwägr. Thomas Cheeseman 1882-09 Dicranaceae NMNZ M014304 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Entosthodon subnudus var. gracilis (Hook.f. & Wilson) Fife Thomas Cheeseman Dr Allan Fife 1882-09 1987 Funariaceae NMNZ M004992 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Carex kaloides Petrie Thomas Cheeseman Cyperaceae NMNZ SP021714 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Carex kaloides Petrie Thomas Cheeseman 1878-01 Cyperaceae NMNZ SP021712 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Carex kaloides Petrie Thomas Cheeseman Cyperaceae NMNZ SP048197 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Carex litorosa L.H.Bailey Thomas Cheeseman Cyperaceae NMNZ SP012273 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Carex muelleri Petrie Thomas Cheeseman Cyperaceae NMNZ SP021676 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Carex wakatipu Petrie Thomas Cheeseman Cyperaceae NMNZ SP048182 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Carex pumila Thunb. Thomas Cheeseman Cyperaceae NMNZ SP021373 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Carex testacea Boott Thomas Cheeseman Cyperaceae NMNZ SP001961 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Dicranoloma menziesii (Hook.f. & Wilson) Paris Thomas Cheeseman Peter Beveridge 2007-05-16 Dicranaceae NMNZ M014836 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Rhacocarpus purpurascens (Brid.) Paris Thomas Cheeseman 1882-01 Hedwigiaceae NMNZ M019638 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Meesia uliginosa Hedw. Thomas Cheeseman 1883-01 Meesiaceae NMNZ M018078 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN