Nom scientifique Collecté par Identifié par Date de collecte Date identifiée Famille Organisme Numéro de catalogue État du type Type d'occurrence
collecté identifié Russula caerulea Bente Rian Bente Rian, Martine Gjestland, Thyra Solem 2017 2017-09-09 Russulaceae TROM 17466/1 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Russula vinosa Bente Rian Grete Strømsøe 2017 2017-09-08 Russulaceae TROM 17385/1 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté identifié Lactarius mammosus Bente Rian Bente Rian 2017 2017-09-10 Russulaceae TROM 17511/1 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Lactarius spinosulus Bente Rian Bente Rian 2022 Russulaceae nsnf 30896738 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Hygrocybe miniata Bente Rian Bente Rian 2022 Hygrophoraceae nsnf 30896743 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Hysterangium coriaceum R. Hesse Bente Rian Anne Molia, Mikael Jeppson 13.10.2010 30.09.2013 Hysterangiaceae O 203258 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Hortiboletus bubalinus Bente Rian Bente Rian 2019 Boletaceae nsnf 23271916 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté identifié Lactarius Pers., 1797 Bente Rian Bente Rian 2017-09-09 Russulaceae Tromso University Museum TROM_F_17469 MATERIAL_SAMPLE
collecté Trametes Fr., 1836 Bente Rian Grete Stromsoe 2017-09-08 Polyporaceae Tromso University Museum TROM_F_17387 MATERIAL_SAMPLE
collecté Lactarius Pers., 1797 Bente Rian Per Marstad 2017-09-08 Russulaceae Tromso University Museum TROM_F_17373 MATERIAL_SAMPLE
collecté identifié Cortinarius (Pers.) Gray, 1821 Bente Rian Bente Rian 2014-09-11 Cortinariaceae University of Oslo, Natural History Museum O-F-75495 MATERIAL_SAMPLE
collecté Cortinarius (Pers.) Gray, 1821 Bente Rian Tor Erik Brandrud 2014-09-11 Cortinariaceae University of Oslo, Natural History Museum O-F-75505 MATERIAL_SAMPLE
collecté Cortinarius (Pers.) Gray, 1821 Bente Rian Tor Erik Brandrud 2014-09-11 Cortinariaceae University of Oslo, Natural History Museum O-F-75494 MATERIAL_SAMPLE
collecté Cortinarius (Pers.) Gray, 1821 Bente Rian Reidun Braathen 2014-09-11 Cortinariaceae University of Oslo, Natural History Museum O-F-75500 MATERIAL_SAMPLE
collecté Agaricus Linnaeus, 1753 Bente Rian Luis Alberto Parra Sanchez 2014-09-12 Agaricaceae University of Oslo, Natural History Museum O-F-75571 MATERIAL_SAMPLE
collecté Phellodon fuligineoalbus Bente Rian Hanssen, Even W. 2018 Thelephoraceae nsnf 20919616 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Tricholoma argyraceum Bente Rian Per Marstad 2015 Tricholomataceae nsnf 20282142 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Hysterangium coriaceum Bente Rian Mikael Jeppson, Anne Molia 2010 2011-12-15 Hysterangiaceae O 21207 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Ramaria botrytis Bente Rian Ilkka Kytövuori 2011 Gomphaceae O 294427 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Ramaria sanguinea Bente Rian Ilkka Kytövuori 2011 Gomphaceae O 294429 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Ramaria gypsea Bente Rian Katriina Bendiksen 2014 2019-09-26 Gomphaceae O 75497 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Cortinarius venetus Bente Rian Reidun Braathen 2014 2014-09-12 Cortinariaceae O 75500 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Cortinarius lucorum Bente Rian Bálint Dima 2014 2019-04-05 Cortinariaceae O 75505 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Agaricus depauperatus Bente Rian Luís Alberto Parra Sánchez 2014 2018-12-04 Agaricaceae O 75571 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Cortinarius purpurascens Bente Rian Tor Erik Brandrud 2014 2014-09-12 Cortinariaceae O 75494 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Hortiboletus bubalinus Bente Rian Øyvind Weholt, Even Woldstad Hanssen 2019 Boletaceae O 307717 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Cortinarius bovinus coll. Bente Rian Tor Erik Brandrud 2013 Cortinariaceae O 307893 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Entoloma lividoalbum Bente Rian Bálint Dima 2019 2020-03 Entolomataceae O 308148 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Ramaria rubella Bente Rian Øyvind Weholt 2019 Gomphaceae O 308143 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
collecté Entoloma lividoalbum Bente Rian Bálint Dima 2019 2020-03 Entolomataceae O 308149 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN